Medical app


This project focuses on how to involve and cooperate with users throughout a design process. The involved users, which forms the foundation of the insights and personas, are patients of the collaborator, Højselv Medical Practice.

The final prototype and outcome of this project, is an interactive app with a primary focus on resolving the problematic of unclear waiting time experienced at medical practices.

Semester group project (2017, 3rd semester of the bachelor, Interaction Design at Aalborg University)

Team: Andreas Winkel Sigsgaard, Emil Kongsgaard Guldager, Helena Buch Petersen, Julie Corlin Mikkelsen, Lasse Stausgaard Jensen and Naja Kathrine Kollerup Als.


We received great feedback from a medical practice in Højslev, who was very interested in participating in the project. Given that the focus of the project is on the process of designing with users, we decided to work with people waiting for consultation at a medical practice. This decision was supported by the fact that we found it interesting to see, which problems people waiting at a medical practice might experience.


Since the user group of a medical practice has a rather low excludability, the user group were divided into smaller subgroups by conducting a user meeting at the medical practice, where the gathered insight allowed us to split up the user group. 

Process planning

After getting an overview of the potential user group, we planned the whole process of involving users throughout the duration of the project; when to involve users, what the desired outcome of these involvements would be and what we had to prepare prior to a user meeting.

first user meeting

Data gathering

The first user meeting was conducted at the medical practice in Højselv. Data was gathered from 15 participants using a series of semi-structured interviews. 

Several questions were supported by the use of Visual Tangible Artifacts to help trigger their memory and help them reflect and express their tacit knowledge.

For example, when asked to identify, how they perceived the time spent waiting, they were presented with numerous cut-outs of cardboard, each assigned a specific and unique perception.  

Data processing

We listed the users’ answers in a table on a blackboard, in order to process the data and spot patterns. Based on these patterns, the gathered data allowed us to create 3 personas and appertaining scenarious that would help communicate the behavior, goals and frustrations of different users. 

second user meeting

Data gathering

The second user meeting functioned as a workshop divided into two parts. 

The first part was created to tune the users in on the subject and discuss the problem area, we derived from the first user meeting. 

In the second part of the workshop, we wanted the users to focus on creating solutions and visions based on the problem space, which they discussed during the first part.

The second part of the workshop started off with a warm-up exercise. 

The following activity was a brainstorming session with Visual Tangible Artifacts, called Incredible Machines.

Both groups got a set of cards containing the following three categories; technologies, everyday objects, and properties.

The cards were then combined in whatever way the users wanted, along with a short description of its use or purpose, to create so-called incredible machines that could solve one or more problems.

Data processing

The derived data from the workshop were transfered to an affinity diagram to structure and visualize all the data gathered, which made it possible to discuss, interpret and spot patterns in the data.


Design process

After having analysed the data, uncovered the main problems and turned them into potential functions to implement, we did a round of individual sketching during the first ideation, to get a rough idea of they could be implemented. The sketches were then assessed by placing colored stickers on them. 

After having established the fundamental functions of the app from the first round of idea generation, we explored these functions in-depth with a second round.


The chosen design from the second round of ideation and sketching was then unified to one coherent design. The design was a result of iterative refinement of an app that would get as close as possible to meet the requirements for solving the problematics gathered in the first two user meetings.

This design was presented to users in the third user meeting for evaluation. 

third user meeting

Prior to the third user meeting, we meticulously planned the structure of the evaluation to ensure useful results, as well as which specific elements of the app we wanted feedback on.

During the third user meeting, the preliminary design of the app was evaluated using POP by Marvel. After the individual evaluation, we had a general discussion, which was structured as an informal conversation between the users. 

The gathered feedback from the evaluation resulted in numerous changes and refinements to the final prototype.

the final design

Path of 'Mine tider'

Path of 'Bestil tid'

Path of 'Læge kontakt'

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